Package 'GWASbyCluster'

Title: Identifying Significant SNPs in Genome Wide Association Studies (GWAS) via Clustering
Description: Identifying disease-associated significant SNPs using clustering approach. This package is implementation of method proposed in Xu et al (2019) <DOI:10.1038/s41598-019-50229-6>.
Authors: Yan Xu, Li Xing, Jessica Su, Xuekui Zhang<[email protected]>, Weiliang Qiu <[email protected]>
Maintainer: Li Xing <[email protected]>
License: GPL (>= 2)
Version: 0.1.7
Built: 2025-02-23 03:46:03 UTC

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An ExpressionSet Object Storing Simulated Genotype Data


An ExpressionSet object storing simulated genotype data. The minor allele frequency (MAF) of cases has the same prior as that of controls.




In this simulation, we generate additive-coded genotypes for 3 clusters of SNPs based on a mixture of 3 Bayesian hierarchical models.

In cluster ++, the minor allele frequency (MAF) θx+\theta_{x+} of cases is greater than the MAF θy+\theta_{y+} of controls.

In cluster 00, the MAF θ0\theta_{0} of cases is equal to the MAF of controls.

In cluster -, the MAF θx\theta_{x-} of cases is smaller than the MAF θy\theta_{y-} of controls.

The proportions of the 3 clusters of SNPs are π+\pi_{+}, π0\pi_{0}, and π\pi_{-}, respectively.

We assume a “half-flat shape” bivariate prior for the MAF in cluster ++

2h+(θx+)h+(θy+)I(θx+>θy+),2h_{+}\left(\theta_{x+}\right)h_{+}\left(\theta_{y+}\right) I\left(\theta_{x+}>\theta_{y+}\right),

where I(a)I(a) is hte indicator function taking value 11 if the event aa is true, and value 00 otherwise. The function h+h_{+} is the probability density function of the beta distribution Beta(α+,β+)Beta\left(\alpha_{+}, \beta_{+}\right).

We assume θ0\theta_{0} has the beta prior Beta(α0,β0)Beta(\alpha_0, \beta_0).

We also assume a “half-flat shape” bivariate prior for the MAF in cluster -

2h(θx)h(θy)I(θx>θy).2h_{-}\left(\theta_{x-}\right)h_{-}\left(\theta_{y-}\right) I\left(\theta_{x-}>\theta_{y-}\right).

The function hh_{-} is the probability density function of the beta distribution Beta(α,β)Beta\left(\alpha_{-}, \beta_{-}\right).

Given a SNP, we assume Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium holds for its genotypes. That is, given MAF θ\theta, the probabilities of genotypes are

Pr(geno=2)=θ2Pr(geno=2) = \theta^2

Pr(geno=1)=2θ(1θ)Pr(geno=1) = 2\theta\left(1-\theta\right)

Pr(geno=0)=(1θ)2Pr(geno=0) = \left(1-\theta\right)^2

We also assume the genotypes 00 (wild-type), 11 (heterozygote), and 22 (mutation) follows a multinomial distribution Multinomial{1,[θ2,2θ(1θ),(1θ)2]}Multinomial\left\{1, \left[ \theta^2, 2\theta\left(1-\theta\right), \left(1-\theta\right)^2 \right]\right\}

We set the number of cases as 100100, the number of controls as 100100, and the number of SNPs as 10001000.

The hyperparameters are α+=2\alpha_{+}=2, β+=5\beta_{+}=5, π+=0.1\pi_{+}=0.1, α0=2\alpha_{0}=2, β0=5\beta_{0}=5, π0=0.8\pi_{0}=0.8, α=2\alpha_{-}=2, β=5\beta_{-}=5, π=0.1\pi_{-}=0.1.

Note that when we generate MAFs from the half-flat shape bivariate priors, we might get very small MAFs or get MAFs >0.5>0.5. In these cased, we then delete this SNP.

So the final number of SNPs generated might be less than the initially-set number 10001000 of SNPs.

For the dataset stored in esSim, there are 872872 SNPs. 8383 SNPs are in cluster -, 714714 SNPs are in cluster 00, and 7575 SNPs are in cluster ++.


Yan X, Xing L, Su J, Zhang X, Qiu W. Model-based clustering for identifying disease-associated SNPs in case-control genome-wide association studies. Scientific Reports 9, Article number: 13686 (2019)





An ExpressionSet Object Storing Simulated Genotype Data


An ExpressionSet object storing simulated genotype data. The minor allele frequency (MAF) of cases has different prior than that of controls.




In this simulation, we generate additive-coded genotypes for 3 clusters of SNPs based on a mixture of 3 Bayesian hierarchical models.

In cluster ++, the minor allele frequency (MAF) θx+\theta_{x+} of cases is greater than the MAF θy+\theta_{y+} of controls.

In cluster 00, the MAF θ0\theta_{0} of cases is equal to the MAF of controls.

In cluster -, the MAF θx\theta_{x-} of cases is smaller than the MAF θy\theta_{y-} of controls.

The proportions of the 3 clusters of SNPs are π+\pi_{+}, π0\pi_{0}, and π\pi_{-}, respectively.

We assume a “half-flat shape” bivariate prior for the MAF in cluster ++

2hx+(θx+)hy+(θy+)I(θx+>θy+),2h_{x+}\left(\theta_{x+}\right)h_{y+}\left(\theta_{y+}\right) I\left(\theta_{x+}>\theta_{y+}\right),

where I(a)I(a) is hte indicator function taking value 11 if the event aa is true, and value 00 otherwise. The function hx+h_{x+} is the probability density function of the beta distribution Beta(αx+,βx+)Beta\left(\alpha_{x+}, \beta_{x+}\right). The function hy+h_{y+} is the probability density function of the beta distribution Beta(αy+,βy+)Beta\left(\alpha_{y+}, \beta_{y+}\right).

We assume θ0\theta_{0} has the beta prior Beta(α0,β0)Beta(\alpha_0, \beta_0).

We also assume a “half-flat shape” bivariate prior for the MAF in cluster -

2hx(θx)hy(θy)I(θx>θy).2h_{x-}\left(\theta_{x-}\right)h_{y-}\left(\theta_{y-}\right) I\left(\theta_{x-}>\theta_{y-}\right).

The function hxh_{x-} is the probability density function of the beta distribution Beta(αx,βx)Beta\left(\alpha_{x-}, \beta_{x-}\right). The function hyh_{y-} is the probability density function of the beta distribution Beta(αy,βy)Beta\left(\alpha_{y-}, \beta_{y-}\right).

Given a SNP, we assume Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium holds for its genotypes. That is, given MAF θ\theta, the probabilities of genotypes are

Pr(geno=2)=θ2Pr(geno=2) = \theta^2

Pr(geno=1)=2θ(1θ)Pr(geno=1) = 2\theta\left(1-\theta\right)

Pr(geno=0)=(1θ)2Pr(geno=0) = \left(1-\theta\right)^2

We also assume the genotypes 00 (wild-type), 11 (heterozygote), and 22 (mutation) follows a multinomial distribution Multinomial{1,[θ2,2θ(1θ),(1θ)2]}Multinomial\left\{1, \left[ \theta^2, 2\theta\left(1-\theta\right), \left(1-\theta\right)^2 \right]\right\}

We set the number of cases as 100100, the number of controls as 100100, and the number of SNPs as 10001000.

The hyperparameters are αx+=2\alpha_{x+}=2, βx+=3\beta_{x+}=3, αy+=2\alpha_{y+}=2, βy+=8\beta_{y+}=8, π+=0.1\pi_{+}=0.1,

α0=2\alpha_{0}=2, β0=5\beta_{0}=5, π0=0.8\pi_{0}=0.8,

αx=2\alpha_{x-}=2, βx=8\beta_{x-}=8, αy=2\alpha_{y-}=2, βy=3\beta_{y-}=3, π=0.1\pi_{-}=0.1.

Note that when we generate MAFs from the half-flat shape bivariate priors, we might get very small MAFs or get MAFs >0.5>0.5. In these cased, we then delete this SNP.

So the final number of SNPs generated might be less than the initially-set number 10001000 of SNPs.

For the dataset stored in esSim, there are 838838 SNPs. 6464 SNPs are in cluster -, 708708 SNPs are in cluster 00, and 6666 SNPs are in cluster ++.


Yan X, Xing L, Su J, Zhang X, Qiu W. Model-based clustering for identifying disease-associated SNPs in case-control genome-wide association studies. Scientific Reports 9, Article number: 13686 (2019)





Estimate SNP cluster membership


Estimate SNP cluster membership. Only update cluster mixture proportions. Assume the 3 clusters have different sets of hyperparameters.


           var.memSubjs = "memSubjs", 
           eps = 0.001, 
           MaxIter = 50, 
           bVec = rep(3, 3), 
           pvalAdjMethod = "fdr", 
           method = "FDR",
           fdr = 0.05,
           verbose = FALSE)



An ExpressionSet object storing SNP genotype data. It contains 3 matrices. The first matrix, which can be extracted by exprs method (e.g., exprs(es)), stores genotype data, with rows are SNPs and columns are subjects.

The second matrix, which can be extracted by pData method (e.g., pData(es)), stores phenotype data describing subjects. Rows are subjects, and columns are phenotype variables.

The third matrix, which can be extracted by fData method (e.g., fData(es)), stores feature data describing SNPs. Rows are SNPs and columns are feature variables.


character. The name of the phenotype variable indicating subject's case-control status. It must take only two values: 1 indicating case and 0 indicating control.


numeric. A small positive number as threshold for convergence of EM algorithm.


integer. A positive integer indicating maximum iteration in EM algorithm.


numeric. A vector of 2 elements. Indicates the parameters of the symmetric Dirichlet prior for proportion mixtures.


character. Indicating p-value adjustment method. c.f. p.adjust.


method to obtain SNP cluster membership based on the responsibility matrix. The default value is “FDR”. The other possible value is “max”. see details.


numeric. A small positive FDR threshold used to call SNP cluster membership


logical. Indicating if intermediate and final results should be output.


In this simulation, we generate additive-coded genotypes for 3 clusters of SNPs based on a mixture of 3 Bayesian hierarchical models.

In cluster ++, the minor allele frequency (MAF) θx+\theta_{x+} of cases is greater than the MAF θy+\theta_{y+} of controls.

In cluster 00, the MAF θ0\theta_{0} of cases is equal to the MAF of controls.

In cluster -, the MAF θx\theta_{x-} of cases is smaller than the MAF θy\theta_{y-} of controls.

The proportions of the 3 clusters of SNPs are π+\pi_{+}, π0\pi_{0}, and π\pi_{-}, respectively.

We assume a “half-flat shape” bivariate prior for the MAF in cluster ++

2h+(θx+)h+(θy+)I(θx+>θy+),2h_{+}\left(\theta_{x+}\right)h_{+}\left(\theta_{y+}\right) I\left(\theta_{x+}>\theta_{y+}\right),

where I(a)I(a) is hte indicator function taking value 11 if the event aa is true, and value 00 otherwise. The function h+h_{+} is the probability density function of the beta distribution Beta(α+,β+)Beta\left(\alpha_{+}, \beta_{+}\right).

We assume θ0\theta_{0} has the beta prior Beta(α0,β0)Beta(\alpha_0, \beta_0).

We also assume a “half-flat shape” bivariate prior for the MAF in cluster -

2h(θx)h(θy)I(θx>θy).2h_{-}\left(\theta_{x-}\right)h_{-}\left(\theta_{y-}\right) I\left(\theta_{x-}>\theta_{y-}\right).

The function hh_{-} is the probability density function of the beta distribution Beta(α,β)Beta\left(\alpha_{-}, \beta_{-}\right).

Given a SNP, we assume Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium holds for its genotypes. That is, given MAF θ\theta, the probabilities of genotypes are

Pr(geno=2)=θ2Pr(geno=2) = \theta^2

Pr(geno=1)=2θ(1θ)Pr(geno=1) = 2\theta\left(1-\theta\right)

Pr(geno=0)=(1θ)2Pr(geno=0) = \left(1-\theta\right)^2

We also assume the genotypes 00 (wild-type), 11 (heterozygote), and 22 (mutation) follows a multinomial distribution Multinomial{1,[θ2,2θ(1θ),(1θ)2]}Multinomial\left\{1, \left[ \theta^2, 2\theta\left(1-\theta\right), \left(1-\theta\right)^2 \right]\right\}

For each SNP, we calculat its posterior probabilities that it belongs to cluster kk. This forms a matrix with 3 columns. Rows are SNPs. The 1st column is the posterior probability that the SNP belongs to cluster -. The 2nd column is the posterior probability that the SNP belongs to cluster 00. The 3rd column is the posterior probability that the SNP belongs to cluster ++. We call this posterior probability matrix as responsibility matrix. To determine which cluster a SNP eventually belongs to, we can use 2 methods. The first method (the default method) is “FDR” method, which will use FDR criterion to determine SNP cluster membership. The 2nd method is use the maximum posterior probability to decide which cluster a SNP belongs to.


A list of 12 elements


matrix of posterior probabilities. The rows are SNPs. There are 3 columns. The first column is the posterior probability that a SNP belongs to cluster - given genotypes of subjects. The second column is the posterior probability that a SNP belongs to cluster 0 given genotypes of subjects. The third column is the posterior probability that a SNP belongs to cluster + given genotypes of subjects.


a vector of SNP cluster membership for the 3-cluster partitionfrom the mixture of 3 Bayesian hierarchical models.


a vector of binary SNP cluster membership. 1 indicates the SNP has different MAFs between cases and controls. 0 indicates the SNP has the same MAF in cases as that in controls.


a vector of cluster mixture proportions.


the first shape parameter of the beta prior for MAF obtaind from initial 3-cluster partitions based on GWAS for cluster +.


the second shape parameter of the beta prior for MAF obtaind from initial 3-cluster partitions based on GWAS for cluster +.


the first shape parameter of the beta prior for MAF obtaind from initial 3-cluster partitions based on GWAS for cluster 0.


the second shape parameter of the beta prior for MAF obtaind from initial 3-cluster partitions based on GWAS for cluster 0.


the first shape parameter of the beta prior for MAF obtaind from initial 3-cluster partitions based on GWAS for cluster -.


the second shape parameter of the beta prior for MAF obtaind from initial 3-cluster partitions based on GWAS for cluster -.


number of iteration in EM algorithm


sum of the squared difference of cluster mixture proportions between current iteration and previous iteration in EM algorithm. if eps < eps, we claim the EM algorithm converges.


object returned by limma


Yan Xu <[email protected]>, Li Xing <[email protected]>, Jessica Su <[email protected]>, Xuekui Zhang <[email protected]>, Weiliang Qiu <[email protected]>


Yan X, Xing L, Su J, Zhang X, Qiu W. Model-based clustering for identifying disease-associated SNPs in case-control genome-wide association studies. Scientific Reports 9, Article number: 13686 (2019)



fDat = fData(es)

res = estMemSNPs(
  es = es, 
  var.memSubjs = "memSubjs")

print(table(fDat$memGenes, res$memSNPs))

Estimate SNP cluster membership


Estimate SNP cluster membership. Only update cluster mixture proportions. Assume all 3 clusters have the same set of hyperparameters.


           var.memSubjs = "memSubjs", 
           eps = 1.0e-3,
           MaxIter = 50, 
           bVec = rep(3, 3), 
           pvalAdjMethod = "none", 
           method = "FDR",
           fdr = 0.05,
           verbose = FALSE)



An ExpressionSet object storing SNP genotype data. It contains 3 matrices. The first matrix, which can be extracted by exprs method (e.g., exprs(es)), stores genotype data, with rows are SNPs and columns are subjects.

The second matrix, which can be extracted by pData method (e.g., pData(es)), stores phenotype data describing subjects. Rows are subjects, and columns are phenotype variables.

The third matrix, which can be extracted by fData method (e.g., fData(es)), stores feature data describing SNPs. Rows are SNPs and columns are feature variables.


character. The name of the phenotype variable indicating subject's case-control status. It must take only two values: 1 indicating case and 0 indicating control.


numeric. A small positive number as threshold for convergence of EM algorithm.


integer. A positive integer indicating maximum iteration in EM algorithm.


numeric. A vector of 2 elements. Indicates the parameters of the symmetric Dirichlet prior for proportion mixtures.


character. Indicating p-value adjustment method. c.f. p.adjust.


method to obtain SNP cluster membership based on the responsibility matrix. The default value is “FDR”. The other possible value is “max”. see details.


numeric. A small positive FDR threshold used to call SNP cluster membership


logical. Indicating if intermediate and final results should be output.


We characterize the distribution of genotypes of SNPs by a mixture of 3 Bayesian hierarchical models. The 3 Bayeisan hierarchical models correspond to 3 clusters of SNPs.

In cluster ++, the minor allele frequency (MAF) θx+\theta_{x+} of cases is greater than the MAF θy+\theta_{y+} of controls.

In cluster 00, the MAF θ0\theta_{0} of cases is equal to the MAF of controls.

In cluster -, the MAF θx\theta_{x-} of cases is smaller than the MAF θy\theta_{y-} of controls.

The proportions of the 3 clusters of SNPs are π+\pi_{+}, π0\pi_{0}, and π\pi_{-}, respectively.

We assume a “half-flat shape” bivariate prior for the MAF in cluster ++

2h(θx+)h(θy+)I(θx+>θy+),2h\left(\theta_{x+}\right)h\left(\theta_{y+}\right) I\left(\theta_{x+}>\theta_{y+}\right),

where I(a)I(a) is hte indicator function taking value 11 if the event aa is true, and value 00 otherwise. The function hh is the probability density function of the beta distribution Beta(α,β)Beta\left(\alpha, \beta\right).

We assume θ0\theta_{0} has the beta prior Beta(α,β)Beta(\alpha, \beta).

We also assume a “half-flat shape” bivariate prior for the MAF in cluster -

2h(θx)h(θy)I(θx>θy).2h\left(\theta_{x-}\right)h\left(\theta_{y-}\right) I\left(\theta_{x-}>\theta_{y-}\right).

Given a SNP, we assume Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium holds for its genotypes. That is, given MAF θ\theta, the probabilities of genotypes are

Pr(geno=2)=θ2Pr(geno=2) = \theta^2

Pr(geno=1)=2θ(1θ)Pr(geno=1) = 2\theta\left(1-\theta\right)

Pr(geno=0)=(1θ)2Pr(geno=0) = \left(1-\theta\right)^2

We also assume the genotypes 00 (wild-type), 11 (heterozygote), and 22 (mutation) follows a multinomial distribution Multinomial{1,[θ2,2θ(1θ),(1θ)2]}Multinomial\left\{1, \left[ \theta^2, 2\theta\left(1-\theta\right), \left(1-\theta\right)^2 \right]\right\}

For each SNP, we calculat its posterior probabilities that it belongs to cluster kk. This forms a matrix with 3 columns. Rows are SNPs. The 1st column is the posterior probability that the SNP belongs to cluster -. The 2nd column is the posterior probability that the SNP belongs to cluster 00. The 3rd column is the posterior probability that the SNP belongs to cluster ++. We call this posterior probability matrix as responsibility matrix. To determine which cluster a SNP eventually belongs to, we can use 2 methods. The first method (the default method) is “FDR” method, which will use FDR criterion to determine SNP cluster membership. The 2nd method is use the maximum posterior probability to decide which cluster a SNP belongs to.


A list of 10 elements


matrix of posterior probabilities. The rows are SNPs. There are 3 columns. The first column is the posterior probability that a SNP belongs to cluster - given genotypes of subjects. The second column is the posterior probability that a SNP belongs to cluster 0 given genotypes of subjects. The third column is the posterior probability that a SNP belongs to cluster + given genotypes of subjects.


a vector of SNP cluster membership for the 3-cluster partitionfrom the mixture of 3 Bayesian hierarchical models.


a vector of binary SNP cluster membership. 1 indicates the SNP has different MAFs between cases and controls. 0 indicates the SNP has the same MAF in cases as that in controls.


a vector of cluster mixture proportions.


the first shape parameter of the beta prior for MAF obtaind from initial 3-cluster partitions based on GWAS.


the second shape parameter of the beta prior for MAF obtaind from initial 3-cluster partitions based on GWAS.


number of iteration in EM algorithm


sum of the squared difference of cluster mixture proportions between current iteration and previous iteration in EM algorithm. if eps < eps, we claim the EM algorithm converges.


object returned by limma


Yan Xu <[email protected]>, Li Xing <[email protected]>, Jessica Su <[email protected]>, Xuekui Zhang <[email protected]>, Weiliang Qiu <[email protected]>


Yan X, Xing L, Su J, Zhang X, Qiu W. Model-based clustering for identifying disease-associated SNPs in case-control genome-wide association studies. Scientific Reports 9, Article number: 13686 (2019)


fDat = fData(esSimDiffPriors)

res = estMemSNPs.oneSetHyperPara(
  es = esSimDiffPriors, 
  var.memSubjs = "memSubjs")

print(table(fDat$memGenes, res$memSNPs))

Simulate Genotype Data from a Mixture of 3 Bayesian Hierarchical Models


Simulate Genotype Data from a Mixture of 3 Bayesian Hierarchical Models. The minor allele frequency (MAF) of cases has the same prior as that of controls.


simGenoFunc(nCases = 100, 
            nControls = 100, 
            nSNPs = 1000, 
            alpha.p = 2, 
            beta.p = 5, 
            pi.p = 0.1, 
            alpha0 = 2, 
            beta0 = 5, 
            pi0 = 0.8, 
            alpha.n = 2, 
            beta.n = 5, 
            pi.n = 0.1, 
            low = 0.02, 
            upp = 0.5, 
            verbose = FALSE)



integer. Number of cases.


integer. Number of controls.


integer. Number of SNPs.


numeric. The first shape parameter of Beta prior in cluster ++.


numeric. The second shape parameter of Beta prior in cluster ++.


numeric. Mixture proportion for cluster ++.


numeric. The first shape parameter of Beta prior in cluster 00.


numeric. The second shape parameter of Beta prior in cluster 00.


numeric. Mixture proportion for cluster 00.


numeric. The first shape parameter of Beta prior in cluster -.


numeric. The second shape parameter of Beta prior in cluster -.


numeric. Mixture proportion for cluster -.


numeric. A small positive value. If a MAF generated from half-flat shape bivariate prior is smaller than low, we will delete the SNP to be generated.


numeric. A positive value. If a MAF generated from half-flat shape bivariate prior is greater than upp, we will delete the SNP to be generated.


logical. Indicating if intermediate results or final results should be output to output screen.


In this simulation, we generate additive-coded genotypes for 3 clusters of SNPs based on a mixture of 3 Bayesian hierarchical models.

In cluster ++, the minor allele frequency (MAF) θx+\theta_{x+} of cases is greater than the MAF θy+\theta_{y+} of controls.

In cluster 00, the MAF θ0\theta_{0} of cases is equal to the MAF of controls.

In cluster -, the MAF θx\theta_{x-} of cases is smaller than the MAF θy\theta_{y-} of controls.

The proportions of the 3 clusters of SNPs are π+\pi_{+}, π0\pi_{0}, and π\pi_{-}, respectively.

We assume a “half-flat shape” bivariate prior for the MAF in cluster ++

2h+(θx+)h+(θy+)I(θx+>θy+),2h_{+}\left(\theta_{x+}\right)h_{+}\left(\theta_{y+}\right) I\left(\theta_{x+}>\theta_{y+}\right),

where I(a)I(a) is hte indicator function taking value 11 if the event aa is true, and value 00 otherwise. The function h+h_{+} is the probability density function of the beta distribution Beta(α+,β+)Beta\left(\alpha_{+}, \beta_{+}\right).

We assume θ0\theta_{0} has the beta prior Beta(α0,β0)Beta(\alpha_0, \beta_0).

We also assume a “half-flat shape” bivariate prior for the MAF in cluster -

2h(θx)h(θy)I(θx>θy).2h_{-}\left(\theta_{x-}\right)h_{-}\left(\theta_{y-}\right) I\left(\theta_{x-}>\theta_{y-}\right).

The function hh_{-} is the probability density function of the beta distribution Beta(α,β)Beta\left(\alpha_{-}, \beta_{-}\right).

Given a SNP, we assume Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium holds for its genotypes. That is, given MAF θ\theta, the probabilities of genotypes are

Pr(geno=2)=θ2Pr(geno=2) = \theta^2

Pr(geno=1)=2θ(1θ)Pr(geno=1) = 2\theta\left(1-\theta\right)

Pr(geno=0)=(1θ)2Pr(geno=0) = \left(1-\theta\right)^2

We also assume the genotypes 00 (wild-type), 11 (heterozygote), and 22 (mutation) follows a multinomial distribution Multinomial{1,[θ2,2θ(1θ),(1θ)2]}Multinomial\left\{1, \left[ \theta^2, 2\theta\left(1-\theta\right), \left(1-\theta\right)^2 \right]\right\}

Note that when we generate MAFs from the half-flat shape bivariate priors, we might get very small MAFs or get MAFs >0.5>0.5. In these cased, we then delete this SNP.

So the final number of SNPs generated might be less than the initially-set number of SNPs.


An ExpressionSet object stores genotype data.


Yan Xu <[email protected]>, Li Xing <[email protected]>, Jessica Su <[email protected]>, Xuekui Zhang <[email protected]>, Weiliang Qiu <[email protected]>


Yan X, Xing L, Su J, Zhang X, Qiu W. Model-based clustering for identifying disease-associated SNPs in case-control genome-wide association studies. Scientific Reports 9, Article number: 13686 (2019)



esSim = simGenoFunc(
  nCases = 100,
  nControls = 100,
  nSNPs = 500,
  alpha.p = 2, beta.p = 5, pi.p = 0.1,
  alpha0 = 2, beta0 = 5, pi0 = 0.8,
  alpha.n = 2, beta.n = 5, pi.n = 0.1,
  low = 0.02, upp = 0.5, verbose = FALSE

pDat = pData(esSim)

fDat = fData(esSim)

Simulate Genotype Data from a Mixture of 3 Bayesian Hierarchical Models


Simulate Genotype Data from a Mixture of 3 Bayesian Hierarchical Models. The minor allele frequency (MAF) of cases has different priors than that of controls.


    nCases = 100, 
    nControls = 100, 
    nSNPs = 1000, = 2, = 3, = 2, = 8, 
    pi.p = 0.1, 
    alpha0 = 2, 
    beta0 = 5, 
    pi0 = 0.8, = 2, = 8, = 2, = 3, 
    pi.n = 0.1, 
    low = 0.02, 
    upp = 0.5, 
    verbose = FALSE)



integer. Number of cases.


integer. Number of controls.


integer. Number of SNPs.

numeric. The first shape parameter of Beta prior in cluster ++ for cases.

numeric. The second shape parameter of Beta prior in cluster ++ for cases.

numeric. The first shape parameter of Beta prior in cluster ++ for controls.

numeric. The second shape parameter of Beta prior in cluster ++ for controls.


numeric. Mixture proportion for cluster ++.


numeric. The first shape parameter of Beta prior in cluster 00.


numeric. The second shape parameter of Beta prior in cluster 00.


numeric. Mixture proportion for cluster 00.

numeric. The first shape parameter of Beta prior in cluster - for cases.

numeric. The second shape parameter of Beta prior in cluster - for cases.

numeric. The first shape parameter of Beta prior in cluster - for controls.

numeric. The second shape parameter of Beta prior in cluster - for controls.


numeric. Mixture proportion for cluster -.


numeric. A small positive value. If a MAF generated from half-flat shape bivariate prior is smaller than low, we will delete the SNP to be generated.


numeric. A positive value. If a MAF generated from half-flat shape bivariate prior is greater than upp, we will delete the SNP to be generated.


logical. Indicating if intermediate results or final results should be output to output screen.


In this simulation, we generate additive-coded genotypes for 3 clusters of SNPs based on a mixture of 3 Bayesian hierarchical models.

In cluster ++, the minor allele frequency (MAF) θx+\theta_{x+} of cases is greater than the MAF θy+\theta_{y+} of controls.

In cluster 00, the MAF θ0\theta_{0} of cases is equal to the MAF of controls.

In cluster -, the MAF θx\theta_{x-} of cases is smaller than the MAF θy\theta_{y-} of controls.

The proportions of the 3 clusters of SNPs are π+\pi_{+}, π0\pi_{0}, and π\pi_{-}, respectively.

We assume a “half-flat shape” bivariate prior for the MAF in cluster ++

2h+(θx+)h+(θy+)I(θx+>θy+),2h_{+}\left(\theta_{x+}\right)h_{+}\left(\theta_{y+}\right) I\left(\theta_{x+}>\theta_{y+}\right),

where I(a)I(a) is hte indicator function taking value 11 if the event aa is true, and value 00 otherwise. The function h+h_{+} is the probability density function of the beta distribution Beta(α+,β+)Beta\left(\alpha_{+}, \beta_{+}\right).

We assume θ0\theta_{0} has the beta prior Beta(α0,β0)Beta(\alpha_0, \beta_0).

We also assume a “half-flat shape” bivariate prior for the MAF in cluster -

2h(θx)h(θy)I(θx>θy).2h_{-}\left(\theta_{x-}\right)h_{-}\left(\theta_{y-}\right) I\left(\theta_{x-}>\theta_{y-}\right).

The function hh_{-} is the probability density function of the beta distribution Beta(α,β)Beta\left(\alpha_{-}, \beta_{-}\right).

Given a SNP, we assume Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium holds for its genotypes. That is, given MAF θ\theta, the probabilities of genotypes are

Pr(geno=2)=θ2Pr(geno=2) = \theta^2

Pr(geno=1)=2θ(1θ)Pr(geno=1) = 2\theta\left(1-\theta\right)

Pr(geno=0)=(1θ)2Pr(geno=0) = \left(1-\theta\right)^2

We also assume the genotypes 00 (wild-type), 11 (heterozygote), and 22 (mutation) follows a multinomial distribution Multinomial{1,[θ2,2θ(1θ),(1θ)2]}Multinomial\left\{1, \left[ \theta^2, 2\theta\left(1-\theta\right), \left(1-\theta\right)^2 \right]\right\}

Note that when we generate MAFs from the half-flat shape bivariate priors, we might get very small MAFs or get MAFs >0.5>0.5. In these cased, we then delete this SNP.

So the final number of SNPs generated might be less than the initially-set number of SNPs.


An ExpressionSet object stores genotype data.


Yan Xu <[email protected]>, Li Xing <[email protected]>, Jessica Su <[email protected]>, Xuekui Zhang <[email protected]>, Weiliang Qiu <[email protected]>


Yan X, Xing L, Su J, Zhang X, Qiu W. Model-based clustering for identifying disease-associated SNPs in case-control genome-wide association studies. Scientific Reports 9, Article number: 13686 (2019)



esSimDiffPriors = simGenoFuncDiffPriors(
  nCases = 100,
  nControls = 100,
  nSNPs = 500, = 2, = 3, = 2, = 8, pi.p = 0.1,
  alpha0 = 2, beta0 = 5, pi0 = 0.8, = 2, = 8, = 2, = 3, pi.n = 0.1,
  low = 0.02, upp = 0.5, verbose = FALSE


pDat = pData(esSimDiffPriors)

fDat = fData(esSimDiffPriors)